A review on the relationship between nutrition and disease in Honey bee (Apis mellifera) health


1 Department of Animal science, Ahar Faculty of Agriculture and natural resources, University of Tabriz.

2 university of Tabriz


Bee health is affected by the interactions between various environmental stressors, the most important of which are plant deficiencies, parasites and other pathogens. Poor bee nutrition can exacerbate the negative effects of viral and fungal infectious diseases on bees, and in contrast, these parasites and pathogens can adversely affect the physiology of bee nutrition. There is an effective relationship between social and individual immunity and colonic nutrition. The varroa parasite worsens this relationship by reducing nutritional levels, reducing individual immune function, and transmitting the virus. There is also a potentially harmful interaction between poor bee nutrition and infectious diseases that may lead to reduced bee health. In the fight against bee health challenges, it is recommended to consider improving the nutritional resistance of bees; such a method can protect bees from other environmental stressors such as infectious and pathogens. In order to create nutritional resistance, nature and plant diversity can be enriched for bees with the help of protection and correction programs, and food supplements can be used to meet their nutritional deficiencies.
