Review- the effects of pesticides on honeybee (Apis mellifera) health, growth, immune and reproduction performance


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agricultural Science, Urmia university, Urmia, Iran.

2 Department of Honeybee, Animal Science Research Institute of Iran, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran

3 uremia university agriculture faculty honey bee


Honeybees (Apis mellifera) are pollinators that have great social, economic & ecological importance in agricultural production & biodiversity conservation. Despite the high environmental & economic value of this important creature, the honeybee is always exposed to destructive & damaging factors such as diseases & pesticides. Despite in recent years, mortality of honeybees were reduced due to using the subletal pesticides instead of highly toxic pesticides reduced the acute, but the adverse effects of these pesticides on honey bees should not be neglected. In general, the results obtained in this review showed that carbendazim causes disruption in the development of the nervous system & increases the length of the honeybee's growth stage. Although the bendazim is not lethal & does not cause a disturbance in the intestinal microbial composition of bees, but the pollen consumption were reduced significantly, thus causes a disturbance in nutrition & weakens the immune system, & increases the sensitivies to pathogenic agents. Therefore, beekeepers & farmers must be informed about the use of this fungicide & advised to standard use of this fungicide in agriculture.
