Economic Analysis of Apiculture and Factors Affecting Production in Khorasan Razavi province of Iran


1 Economic dept, Agricultural and natural Research center of Khorasan Razavi, mashhad, Iran

2 Animal Science Research Department, Khorasan Razavi Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Mashhad, Iran


Honey bees and beekeeping belong to a large economic organization where the administrators are the beekeepers, the workers are the bees, and the products produced are ecosystem goods and services, mostly incomprehensible, and beekeeping is an inclusive and diverse activity. This activity, which provides multi-systemic advantages to society helps to the sustainable development of rural areas, and helps the development of global sustainability. The increased globalization of honey yield, trading and packaging, the stimulation of international competition, the control of diseases and pests has caused many of the problems and threats that it faces today. In addition, extremely high losses of managed honey bee hives have raised concern about bee health amongst stakeholders and the public. In order to develop policies and strategies for the Khorasan Razavi province beekeeping sector, SWOT analysis was used to find how strengths can be used to realize new opportunities and how weaknesses can reduce progress or magnify organizational threats. In order to achieve these goals, data from various sources from 2019 to 2021 were used and economic studies of apiculture were performed to investigate the opportunities and challenges of Production and trading of honey in different regions of Razavi Khorasan Province, and then strategic intervention options were identified for detection of opportunities.The results showed that the strategic position for the bee group is aggressive. Therefore, it is very important to create and complete the production chains of bee products, as well as to remove mandatory pricing from the priority strategies in the beekeeping sector.
