Propolis Cream For The Treatment Of Dry Skin


Propolis as The bee products repair the skin , leaving the skin correction, improvement of acne and herpes, anti-fungal, skin moisturizing and revitalizing the skin's elasticity, relieve dryness and Red spots, psoriasis, cutaneous and ... Used  (2،3,4,10). To evaluate the effect of propolis on dry skin treatment, 3 of the cream base cream (without propolis) containing 1% cream contains 3% Propolis Propolis cream pie on the heels of 17 women in the age range 17-73 were tested. cream were distributed randomly among individuals (3 treatments and each treatment consisted of 17 replicates is). Was advised of the cream 1-2 times a day and take 2 weeks. The questionnaire was given to each person in terms of their satisfaction are announced. Results showed that the mean recovery propolis creams containing 1%, 83.5% and 3% propolis cream, 72% cream significantly improved the rate base; 2.23%, respectively. However, no significant difference between the two mean satisfaction Propolis Cream 1% and 3% propolis was observed cream.
